headshot of Diana Langdon, national kids and families ministry enabler

Diana Langdon

National Kids & Families Ministry Enabler

Diana runs Strandz, the national hub for children and families ministry in Tikanga Pākehā, with a passion for intergenerational fellowship, missional community, and chai lattes.

Remembering Sue Fallow

Diana Langdon

National Kids & Families Ministry Enabler

Diana runs Strandz, the national hub for children and families ministry in Tikanga Pākehā, with a passion for intergenerational fellowship, missional community, and chai lattes.

Remembering Sue Fallow

The late and beautiful Sue Fallow

Over the nine years in this role, I have had the privilege of meeting some incredible people, and walking closely with some amazing children's ministry champions. One of those legends was Sue Fallow.

I first met Sue back in 2006, shortly after I arrived in New Zealand as a scrappy 24-year-old, and found myself serving alongside her in a New Wine children's ministry team with her over the summer. With a mile-wide smile, and endless energy, you couldn't miss her. 

Sue had an amazing background in education and helping kids discover God's world through teaching and museum education. She went on to lead the children's ministry at All Saints Palmerston North for years, before moving to Nelson in 2014 to work as the Children's Ministry Enabler for the Nelson diocese until her retirement in 2020.

The first trip I did in this Strandz role in 2015 was down the West Coast with Sue, squashing into her bumblebee yellow truck and driving to Greymouth with a giant Shrek donkey in the back. Over the years we ran workshops and training, distributed kids packs after the Kaikōura Earthquake, worked on her vision for Nelson diocese, dreamed and schemed. Sue loved Strandz and helped support and strength the network, joining first as the Wellington rep alongside Gendy Thomson around 2010. Sue served on the Strandz exec for over five years to support me in my role, and was even on my interview panel. (I like to think she made wise decisions!)

Sue had a fierce passion for helping children encounter Jesus, and she challenged the church to give her best to this mission. 

She didn't let anything slow her down, not even a cancer battle or losing the sight in her right eye – she was adaptable and creative in giving her best. And even in lockdown, she delighted in trying new things and being a “YouTube star” with her Storytime with Sue videos produced by Brad Wood.

Sue Fallow reads a children's book

She settled back in Palmerston North after she retired in October 2020. 

Words from our people

Bishop Richard Ellena

Every now and again God places in your life someone who inspires you and encourages you through the practical outworking of their faith. 

Sue Fallow was already having an impact in the national church when I “stole” her back in 2014 from the parish of All Saints, Palmerston North, to be the Children's Ministry Enabler here. 

Her passion radiated from her – to see churches in the diocese flourishing with children’s ministries and intergenerational worship.

Sue was tireless in the outworking of her vision and mission – even when experiencing serious health issues. She loved nothing more than seeing our young ones growing as disciples of our loving Saviour.

Even after she and Andy had retired back to Palmerston North, she still returned to lead children’s ministries for diocesan events.

I stand in awe of Sue’s dynamic faith and God inspired ministry.

Reverend David Hollingsworth

When I interviewed Sue for her role in our diocese I knew within a few minutes she was the right person.

She brought experience, a profound love for children, and her deep faith. Despite health challenges her energy for ministry was undiminished.

She has touched countless lives. That's her ongoing legacy. 

Pauline Stengs

I met Sue in her role as Children's Ministry Enabler for the diocese. Visiting Greymouth more frequently than her predecessors, Sue stayed with us each time she came here. 

Sue was an English rose. She had a smile that could light up a room. She was knowledgeable, well-educated and related warmly to children and adults. 

She was motivated and passionate about her work and a real gift to our diocese. Her reward in heaven will be great!

Reverend Doctor Graham O'Brien

Sue joined us as the Children’s Ministry Enabler but it would be more accurate to say she was its Champion.

Sue brought experience and passion to this role (along with Andy), travelling across the diocese to train leaders and develop children and families ministry. Sue was also a wonderful team player on the Bishop’s Ministry Team and kept this area of ministry within the heart of the diocese’s strategic planning.

But most of all, Sue’s faith shone through in all she did – even when times got tough, her presence brought joy and hope to others. May she now rest in the words of our Lord, “Well done my good and faithful servant”.

Celebrating Sue’s life

Sue died peacefully in Palmerston North last Monday evening, and we will celebrate her wonderful life on Friday at Palmerston North Central Baptist with friends and family. You can read the official obituary here.

Please join us in praying for her family – Andy, Tim, Jeremy and Emily. Her legacy continues through them, and the hundreds of children who encountered Jesus through her. 

Well done, good and faithful servant, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

Sue’s funeral will be held on Friday 15 March at Palmerston North Central Baptist. You can attend online here, starting 11:00am.
The livestream will also be shown at Nelson Cathedral for those who want to gather together in Nelson.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.

No items found.

We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

Remembering Sue Fallow

Diana Langdon

National Kids & Families Ministry Enabler

Diana runs Strandz, the national hub for children and families ministry in Tikanga Pākehā, with a passion for intergenerational fellowship, missional community, and chai lattes.

Remembering Sue Fallow

Diana Langdon

National Kids & Families Ministry Enabler

Diana runs Strandz, the national hub for children and families ministry in Tikanga Pākehā, with a passion for intergenerational fellowship, missional community, and chai lattes.

Remembering Sue Fallow

The late and beautiful Sue Fallow

Over the nine years in this role, I have had the privilege of meeting some incredible people, and walking closely with some amazing children's ministry champions. One of those legends was Sue Fallow.

I first met Sue back in 2006, shortly after I arrived in New Zealand as a scrappy 24-year-old, and found myself serving alongside her in a New Wine children's ministry team with her over the summer. With a mile-wide smile, and endless energy, you couldn't miss her. 

Sue had an amazing background in education and helping kids discover God's world through teaching and museum education. She went on to lead the children's ministry at All Saints Palmerston North for years, before moving to Nelson in 2014 to work as the Children's Ministry Enabler for the Nelson diocese until her retirement in 2020.

The first trip I did in this Strandz role in 2015 was down the West Coast with Sue, squashing into her bumblebee yellow truck and driving to Greymouth with a giant Shrek donkey in the back. Over the years we ran workshops and training, distributed kids packs after the Kaikōura Earthquake, worked on her vision for Nelson diocese, dreamed and schemed. Sue loved Strandz and helped support and strength the network, joining first as the Wellington rep alongside Gendy Thomson around 2010. Sue served on the Strandz exec for over five years to support me in my role, and was even on my interview panel. (I like to think she made wise decisions!)

Sue had a fierce passion for helping children encounter Jesus, and she challenged the church to give her best to this mission. 

She didn't let anything slow her down, not even a cancer battle or losing the sight in her right eye – she was adaptable and creative in giving her best. And even in lockdown, she delighted in trying new things and being a “YouTube star” with her Storytime with Sue videos produced by Brad Wood.

Sue Fallow reads a children's book

She settled back in Palmerston North after she retired in October 2020. 

Words from our people

Bishop Richard Ellena

Every now and again God places in your life someone who inspires you and encourages you through the practical outworking of their faith. 

Sue Fallow was already having an impact in the national church when I “stole” her back in 2014 from the parish of All Saints, Palmerston North, to be the Children's Ministry Enabler here. 

Her passion radiated from her – to see churches in the diocese flourishing with children’s ministries and intergenerational worship.

Sue was tireless in the outworking of her vision and mission – even when experiencing serious health issues. She loved nothing more than seeing our young ones growing as disciples of our loving Saviour.

Even after she and Andy had retired back to Palmerston North, she still returned to lead children’s ministries for diocesan events.

I stand in awe of Sue’s dynamic faith and God inspired ministry.

Reverend David Hollingsworth

When I interviewed Sue for her role in our diocese I knew within a few minutes she was the right person.

She brought experience, a profound love for children, and her deep faith. Despite health challenges her energy for ministry was undiminished.

She has touched countless lives. That's her ongoing legacy. 

Pauline Stengs

I met Sue in her role as Children's Ministry Enabler for the diocese. Visiting Greymouth more frequently than her predecessors, Sue stayed with us each time she came here. 

Sue was an English rose. She had a smile that could light up a room. She was knowledgeable, well-educated and related warmly to children and adults. 

She was motivated and passionate about her work and a real gift to our diocese. Her reward in heaven will be great!

Reverend Doctor Graham O'Brien

Sue joined us as the Children’s Ministry Enabler but it would be more accurate to say she was its Champion.

Sue brought experience and passion to this role (along with Andy), travelling across the diocese to train leaders and develop children and families ministry. Sue was also a wonderful team player on the Bishop’s Ministry Team and kept this area of ministry within the heart of the diocese’s strategic planning.

But most of all, Sue’s faith shone through in all she did – even when times got tough, her presence brought joy and hope to others. May she now rest in the words of our Lord, “Well done my good and faithful servant”.

Celebrating Sue’s life

Sue died peacefully in Palmerston North last Monday evening, and we will celebrate her wonderful life on Friday at Palmerston North Central Baptist with friends and family. You can read the official obituary here.

Please join us in praying for her family – Andy, Tim, Jeremy and Emily. Her legacy continues through them, and the hundreds of children who encountered Jesus through her. 

Well done, good and faithful servant, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

Sue’s funeral will be held on Friday 15 March at Palmerston North Central Baptist. You can attend online here, starting 11:00am.
The livestream will also be shown at Nelson Cathedral for those who want to gather together in Nelson.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.