Science & Faith

Growing faith by appreciating God’s revelation through nature and Scripture

Greg Holmes
Science & Faith Ambassador

I'm an ordained priest and also somewhat of a science nerd with a background in mathematics, computer science and physics. There's a common perception that science and Scripture are incompatible. I’m passionate about exploring how the Christian faith is not only compatible with science but how the two work together to offer a greater, fuller, picture of God, our world and our purpose with it. I also serve as Projects Director for New Zealand Christians in Science developing resources for churches and youth.

Greg Holmes
Science & Faith Ambassador

I'm an ordained priest and also somewhat of a science nerd with a background in mathematics, computer science and physics. There's a common perception that science and Scripture are incompatible. I’m passionate about exploring how the Christian faith is not only compatible with science but how the two work together to offer a greater, fuller, picture of God, our world and our purpose with it. I also serve as Projects Director for New Zealand Christians in Science developing resources for churches and youth.

I'm an ordained priest and also somewhat of a science nerd with a background in mathematics, computer science and physics. There's a common perception that science and Scripture are incompatible. I’m passionate about exploring how the Christian faith is not only compatible with science but how the two work together to offer a greater, fuller, picture of God, our world and our purpose with it. I also serve as Projects Director for New Zealand Christians in Science developing resources for churches and youth.

Greg Holmes

Science & Faith Ambassador

Ordained priest and student of science, Greg works as an advocate for the value of science and faith in our diocese.

How can I help?

How can We help?

Science and faith workshops. Hosting workshops to navigate challenges and grow in faith.

School and youth group visits. Showing young people why a multidisciplinary approach is needed for understanding the world and our place within it. 

Resources. Pointing parishes and people in the direction of helpful books and online resources.
