Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

An Interview with Spanky Moore

Kākano is back for 2025, offering a unique opportunity for those wanting to step deeper into mission and discipleship. I caught up with Kākano leader Spanky Moore to find out what the programme is all about and why you should consider applying.

What is Kākano, and how did it come about?

Kākano came about through a conversation with Paul Milson, the vicar at Brightwater Parish. He and I were brainstorming how we could identify and equip leaders who aren’t just interested in talking about mission, but actually doing it. That’s how Kākano was born!

The name Kākano means ‘seed’ in te reo Māori. How does that image shape the programme’s vision?

The seed is such a powerful biblical image. For many of us, mission is just a small part of our life—something we’d like to grow but aren’t sure how. Kākano helps people cultivate that seed, making mission a priority. At the same time, it’s about nurturing the seed of the Gospel within people—helping them explore their vocation, calling, and where God might be leading them.

Kākano has now run for multiple years. What impact have you seen in past participants? Can you share a story of transformation?

We’ve worked with around 50 people over the past three years, and for many of them, Kākano has become one of the most significant discipleship spaces in their life. Some have gone on to launch exciting ministry or mission initiatives, but what we’ve seen most is how empowering it is for lay people. It helps them see what mission and ministry look like in the midst of work, family, and ‘normal life.’

There have also been a number of people who’ve had radical life changes after Kākano—some have pursued ministry, others have taken up further study. It’s been incredible to see how God moves when people step out in faith.

What kind of person should apply for Kākano 2025? Is it just for church leaders, or is it for anyone?

It’s for anyone—any age or life stage, from young adults to those stepping into retirement. We’re looking for people who have a nagging sense that there must be more. Maybe they feel called to something but aren’t sure what it looks like. Maybe they want to step outside the normal bounds of church life. If that resonates with you, Kākano is a great place to explore and discern your calling.

How can people apply?

It’s easy! Just fill out the Google Form at the link below. We’re looking for people who are keen and enthusiastic about pursuing God’s call in their life.

👉 Apply here: Kākano 2025 Application Form

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We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

Spanky Moore

Pioneering Ministry

Joshua "Spanky" Moore oversees the equipping and encouraging of leaders who feel called to "gather the ungathered" or want to start something new.

Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

Spanky Moore

Pioneering Ministry

Joshua "Spanky" Moore oversees the equipping and encouraging of leaders who feel called to "gather the ungathered" or want to start something new.

Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

Kākano 2025: Growing Mission-Minded Leaders

An Interview with Spanky Moore

Kākano is back for 2025, offering a unique opportunity for those wanting to step deeper into mission and discipleship. I caught up with Kākano leader Spanky Moore to find out what the programme is all about and why you should consider applying.

What is Kākano, and how did it come about?

Kākano came about through a conversation with Paul Milson, the vicar at Brightwater Parish. He and I were brainstorming how we could identify and equip leaders who aren’t just interested in talking about mission, but actually doing it. That’s how Kākano was born!

The name Kākano means ‘seed’ in te reo Māori. How does that image shape the programme’s vision?

The seed is such a powerful biblical image. For many of us, mission is just a small part of our life—something we’d like to grow but aren’t sure how. Kākano helps people cultivate that seed, making mission a priority. At the same time, it’s about nurturing the seed of the Gospel within people—helping them explore their vocation, calling, and where God might be leading them.

Kākano has now run for multiple years. What impact have you seen in past participants? Can you share a story of transformation?

We’ve worked with around 50 people over the past three years, and for many of them, Kākano has become one of the most significant discipleship spaces in their life. Some have gone on to launch exciting ministry or mission initiatives, but what we’ve seen most is how empowering it is for lay people. It helps them see what mission and ministry look like in the midst of work, family, and ‘normal life.’

There have also been a number of people who’ve had radical life changes after Kākano—some have pursued ministry, others have taken up further study. It’s been incredible to see how God moves when people step out in faith.

What kind of person should apply for Kākano 2025? Is it just for church leaders, or is it for anyone?

It’s for anyone—any age or life stage, from young adults to those stepping into retirement. We’re looking for people who have a nagging sense that there must be more. Maybe they feel called to something but aren’t sure what it looks like. Maybe they want to step outside the normal bounds of church life. If that resonates with you, Kākano is a great place to explore and discern your calling.

How can people apply?

It’s easy! Just fill out the Google Form at the link below. We’re looking for people who are keen and enthusiastic about pursuing God’s call in their life.

👉 Apply here: Kākano 2025 Application Form

Check out other articles in the

series below.

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