Keeping homes warm in winter with Fifeshire Foundation

Laurie Gabites

Laurie is the chairperson of Anglican Care Committee, with a heart for serving the community as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Keeping homes warm in winter with Fifeshire Foundation

a newspaper article from waimea weekly titled "paying it forward to heat homes" with a picture of nigel brabyn, shanine hermsen and laurie gabites
Article from Waimea Weekly, 22 May 2024

Last winter Fifeshire Foundation had a winter grants programme to assist families in the Nelson Tasman region keep warm in winter. At the same time, across the other side of town, Anglican Care was also helping with grants for firewood. As Anglican Care and Fifeshire, along with others, have been developing ways of working together, this programme made sense to us.

So, this winter both Anglican Care and Fifeshire will be partners in providing winter grants, with Anglican Care focussing on the older age group across the diocese.

This is a pilot project to see how we might work in partnership with other funding agencies to deliver good outcomes for people in our community.

Anglican Care is the part of the diocese that supports parishes and individuals, often through other voluntary agencies, with funding available to them for distribution. Often those applications are for people experiencing hardship in several ways. As the social services arm of the diocese, I’m thankful that we have the opportunity to make a difference.

As chairperson of Anglican Care Committee, I have always held the view that part of our response in the church is to work with others and support people who need help. 

By reaching out we are demonstrating our faith through our actions. 

Applying for support

Applications for people facing hardship over winter in the Nelson Tasman area should be made directly to Fifeshire Foundation.

Please note that individuals cannot nominate themselves – all applications must be completed by a third party who is willing to confirm that the individual being nominated does face financial hardship.

We can also offer this support to people facing hardship who do not live in the Nelson Tasman area – they just need to be referred through our normal Anglican Care hardship grant process. As with the above scheme, applications need to be made by a worker from a social service agency or from a parish.

Applications for other deanery areas should be made through Jason, ministry coordinator – social services. The application form can be found here.

Want to contribute?

As part of this outreach we are inviting the church to contribute to this mahi. 

Please pray for this project, consider who from your community might be suffering fuel hardship this winter, and consider contributing financially to Anglican Care. All donations received will be eligible for tax credit receipts, and will be used for social services and hardship grants.

To make a donation, please follow this link.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.

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We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

Keeping homes warm in winter with Fifeshire Foundation

Keeping homes warm in winter with Fifeshire Foundation

Laurie Gabites

Laurie is the chairperson of Anglican Care Committee, with a heart for serving the community as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Keeping homes warm in winter with Fifeshire Foundation

a newspaper article from waimea weekly titled "paying it forward to heat homes" with a picture of nigel brabyn, shanine hermsen and laurie gabites
Article from Waimea Weekly, 22 May 2024

Last winter Fifeshire Foundation had a winter grants programme to assist families in the Nelson Tasman region keep warm in winter. At the same time, across the other side of town, Anglican Care was also helping with grants for firewood. As Anglican Care and Fifeshire, along with others, have been developing ways of working together, this programme made sense to us.

So, this winter both Anglican Care and Fifeshire will be partners in providing winter grants, with Anglican Care focussing on the older age group across the diocese.

This is a pilot project to see how we might work in partnership with other funding agencies to deliver good outcomes for people in our community.

Anglican Care is the part of the diocese that supports parishes and individuals, often through other voluntary agencies, with funding available to them for distribution. Often those applications are for people experiencing hardship in several ways. As the social services arm of the diocese, I’m thankful that we have the opportunity to make a difference.

As chairperson of Anglican Care Committee, I have always held the view that part of our response in the church is to work with others and support people who need help. 

By reaching out we are demonstrating our faith through our actions. 

Applying for support

Applications for people facing hardship over winter in the Nelson Tasman area should be made directly to Fifeshire Foundation.

Please note that individuals cannot nominate themselves – all applications must be completed by a third party who is willing to confirm that the individual being nominated does face financial hardship.

We can also offer this support to people facing hardship who do not live in the Nelson Tasman area – they just need to be referred through our normal Anglican Care hardship grant process. As with the above scheme, applications need to be made by a worker from a social service agency or from a parish.

Applications for other deanery areas should be made through Jason, ministry coordinator – social services. The application form can be found here.

Want to contribute?

As part of this outreach we are inviting the church to contribute to this mahi. 

Please pray for this project, consider who from your community might be suffering fuel hardship this winter, and consider contributing financially to Anglican Care. All donations received will be eligible for tax credit receipts, and will be used for social services and hardship grants.

To make a donation, please follow this link.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.