Grace and growth: a chaplain’s reflection

people holding hands
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As I delve more into the mystery of who the Almighty God is, of who I am and all God created me to be, I’m overwhelmed by his goodness, grace and faithfulness to me. It's been transformative for me to marinate in truth and apply it to how I perceive myself, others and the world. 

I can’t thank God enough for his will and purpose for my life and for setting me firmly on a path that I know is not accidental. To acknowledge and follow Jesus is to become like Jesus. To become like Jesus is to serve and love others. I am able to do this by doing chaplaincy at a Nelson rest home care centre. 

Lynette graduating as a chaplain in 2022

It’s a privilege to journey alongside others and love them, encourage them, listen to them and comfort them as Christ has commanded me to.

Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to affirm that yes, I am indeed doing work that I wholeheartedly love.

In order to understand and love others fully and view them through Christ's lens of mercy, compassion and grace, it became apparent that I needed to wrestle with my own baggage, judgements, personal failures at the foot of the cross. It's an ongoing process. I am growing. In my case the growing comes with groaning – growing pains. 

But I see the humour in that I can laugh. I trust God more. I trust others more. I simply do my best and trust that God will do the rest.

I'm weirdly grateful for the valleys I’ve gone through and the difficulties I’ve experienced because it helps me to understand and empathise with others.

I can share with others that God really can turn everything and anything around for good. Nothing is too difficult or too far gone for him. He faithfully and patiently restores and gives new life to all who ask. And it's never too late to ask.

I’ve discovered several untold secrets through doing chaplaincy. There are the deep friendships formed, the patient mentoring, non-judgemental supervision, uplifting peer support and development opportunities that come along. I find myself saying yes to so many things that I haven’t done before. I realise that I’m saying yes to God, yes to personal growth and yes to the furtherance of his Kingdom. I don’t have to do much – I only have to be myself and do my part faithfully. 

I wake up each morning with his breath of life and Spirit inside me. What a gift! His mercy is new every morning and I know I can tackle the day with whatever it brings knowing that the God of Angel Armies goes before me and Jesus is by my side! 

Consider looking into chaplaincy yourself – Rest Home Chaplains are hosting training this month for anyone interested in volunteering. Find out more here.

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We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

Grace and growth: a chaplain’s reflection

Grace and growth: a chaplain’s reflection

Lynette Urquhart

Lynette graduated last year as a volunteer chaplain, and serves at a rest home in Nelson.

Grace and growth: a chaplain’s reflection

people holding hands
Photo by Rawpixel

As I delve more into the mystery of who the Almighty God is, of who I am and all God created me to be, I’m overwhelmed by his goodness, grace and faithfulness to me. It's been transformative for me to marinate in truth and apply it to how I perceive myself, others and the world. 

I can’t thank God enough for his will and purpose for my life and for setting me firmly on a path that I know is not accidental. To acknowledge and follow Jesus is to become like Jesus. To become like Jesus is to serve and love others. I am able to do this by doing chaplaincy at a Nelson rest home care centre. 

Lynette graduating as a chaplain in 2022

It’s a privilege to journey alongside others and love them, encourage them, listen to them and comfort them as Christ has commanded me to.

Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to affirm that yes, I am indeed doing work that I wholeheartedly love.

In order to understand and love others fully and view them through Christ's lens of mercy, compassion and grace, it became apparent that I needed to wrestle with my own baggage, judgements, personal failures at the foot of the cross. It's an ongoing process. I am growing. In my case the growing comes with groaning – growing pains. 

But I see the humour in that I can laugh. I trust God more. I trust others more. I simply do my best and trust that God will do the rest.

I'm weirdly grateful for the valleys I’ve gone through and the difficulties I’ve experienced because it helps me to understand and empathise with others.

I can share with others that God really can turn everything and anything around for good. Nothing is too difficult or too far gone for him. He faithfully and patiently restores and gives new life to all who ask. And it's never too late to ask.

I’ve discovered several untold secrets through doing chaplaincy. There are the deep friendships formed, the patient mentoring, non-judgemental supervision, uplifting peer support and development opportunities that come along. I find myself saying yes to so many things that I haven’t done before. I realise that I’m saying yes to God, yes to personal growth and yes to the furtherance of his Kingdom. I don’t have to do much – I only have to be myself and do my part faithfully. 

I wake up each morning with his breath of life and Spirit inside me. What a gift! His mercy is new every morning and I know I can tackle the day with whatever it brings knowing that the God of Angel Armies goes before me and Jesus is by my side! 

Consider looking into chaplaincy yourself – Rest Home Chaplains are hosting training this month for anyone interested in volunteering. Find out more here.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.