Baptisms on the Beach

a beach with waves crashing

On Sunday St Barnabas Stoke celebrated the baptisms of four rangatahi. It was a fantastic day, including one baptism at the church and three at Tahunanui Beach.

The four young people, Heidi, Molly, Adam and Reuben, are all part of St B's Youth and were baptised by their amazing youth worker Georgia Allen. Heidi also spent a number of years as a member of The Shed youth group in Greymouth and it was incredibly special that Nicki Mora travelled up just to see this important moment in her faith journey.

We are so blessed in our diocese to have such dedicated youth workers — like Georgia and Nicki. The work they do sharing Jesus with and supporting the faith of our young people is so important, as we can see in the testimonies of Heidi, Adam and Reuben. Watch the video above.

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We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

Baptisms on the Beach

Brad Wood

Youth Ministry

Brad oversees youth ministry throughout the diocese. He has a passion for telling stories and spends his free time throwing clay on a pottery wheel.

Baptisms on the Beach

Brad Wood

Youth Ministry

Brad oversees youth ministry throughout the diocese. He has a passion for telling stories and spends his free time throwing clay on a pottery wheel.

Baptisms on the Beach

a beach with waves crashing

On Sunday St Barnabas Stoke celebrated the baptisms of four rangatahi. It was a fantastic day, including one baptism at the church and three at Tahunanui Beach.

The four young people, Heidi, Molly, Adam and Reuben, are all part of St B's Youth and were baptised by their amazing youth worker Georgia Allen. Heidi also spent a number of years as a member of The Shed youth group in Greymouth and it was incredibly special that Nicki Mora travelled up just to see this important moment in her faith journey.

We are so blessed in our diocese to have such dedicated youth workers — like Georgia and Nicki. The work they do sharing Jesus with and supporting the faith of our young people is so important, as we can see in the testimonies of Heidi, Adam and Reuben. Watch the video above.

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.