150 years young: St Cuthbert's brimming with hope

Eddie O'Connor

Eddie does administration in the beautiful parish of Golden Bay.

150 years young: St Cuthbert's brimming with hope

a congregation of all ages smiles outside of a traditional white anglican church on a sunny day

It was an absolute joy to see St Cuthbert’s in Collingwood filled to the brim as we celebrated the church’s 150th anniversary on October 22. The morning kicked off with a service, led by Nathaniel Petterson, during which Bishop Steve Maina gave a rousing sermon centred on a reading from 2 Timothy, in which we are called to be like soldiers or athletes in the service of Christ. After that, we moved outside where a new memorial seat was unveiled. A bounteous lunch was provided by Rural Women, who ensured none of us would be requiring dinner. And if that wasn’t enough, we were all treated to the presentation of a painting, reflections from former parishioners, and a slideshow of photos showing the history of the church.

inside the church hall of st cuthbert's, people gather around a table laden with food

As somebody new to the Golden Bay region, what stood out for me was the overwhelming sense of community that still surrounds St Cuthbert’s after so many years.

To hear the whole church singing at the top of their lungs, and the stories of people recalling what the church was like in the 1950s was a truly humbling experience, and helped me see myself in just one part of the much bigger story of God’s work through churches just like St Cuthbert’s.

A big thanks to everyone who made the Jubilee such a success, from Brandon Sparrow and Murray Mackay, who led the charge to get everything organised in time, to Wolfgang Rehfus and the team of volunteers who helped ensure the church was looking so shiny and clean for its big day. 

As we look to revitalise the Nelson Diocese and chart a new course for our congregation, St Cuthbert’s stands as a reminder of even a small, rural parish’s ability to weather serious storms and emerge on the other side brimming with hope and confidence in its mission. 

Hopefully, I’ll still be around (and invited) to the 200th anniversary in 2073!

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We have invited these writers to share their experiences, ideas and opinions in the hope that these will provoke thought, challenge you to go deeper and inspire you to put your faith into action. These articles should not be taken as the official view of the Nelson Diocese on any particular matter.

150 years young: St Cuthbert's brimming with hope

150 years young: St Cuthbert's brimming with hope

Eddie O'Connor

Eddie does administration in the beautiful parish of Golden Bay.

150 years young: St Cuthbert's brimming with hope

a congregation of all ages smiles outside of a traditional white anglican church on a sunny day

It was an absolute joy to see St Cuthbert’s in Collingwood filled to the brim as we celebrated the church’s 150th anniversary on October 22. The morning kicked off with a service, led by Nathaniel Petterson, during which Bishop Steve Maina gave a rousing sermon centred on a reading from 2 Timothy, in which we are called to be like soldiers or athletes in the service of Christ. After that, we moved outside where a new memorial seat was unveiled. A bounteous lunch was provided by Rural Women, who ensured none of us would be requiring dinner. And if that wasn’t enough, we were all treated to the presentation of a painting, reflections from former parishioners, and a slideshow of photos showing the history of the church.

inside the church hall of st cuthbert's, people gather around a table laden with food

As somebody new to the Golden Bay region, what stood out for me was the overwhelming sense of community that still surrounds St Cuthbert’s after so many years.

To hear the whole church singing at the top of their lungs, and the stories of people recalling what the church was like in the 1950s was a truly humbling experience, and helped me see myself in just one part of the much bigger story of God’s work through churches just like St Cuthbert’s.

A big thanks to everyone who made the Jubilee such a success, from Brandon Sparrow and Murray Mackay, who led the charge to get everything organised in time, to Wolfgang Rehfus and the team of volunteers who helped ensure the church was looking so shiny and clean for its big day. 

As we look to revitalise the Nelson Diocese and chart a new course for our congregation, St Cuthbert’s stands as a reminder of even a small, rural parish’s ability to weather serious storms and emerge on the other side brimming with hope and confidence in its mission. 

Hopefully, I’ll still be around (and invited) to the 200th anniversary in 2073!

Check out other articles in the

series below.

More articles in the

series are to come.