
A Silent Pause: Spring Retreat

A three-day silent, guided retreat for women, for refreshment and renewal in your relationship with God.

a calendar icon
18 Oct
20 Oct
a map marker
Bridge Valley, Wakefield
a calendar icon
18 Oct
20 Oct
a clock icon
a map marker
Bridge Valley, Wakefield

We are exited about offering this weekend – a time away to focus your relationship with God, and to refresh and renew.

This is a three-day silent, guided retreat for women who would like an opportunity to draw away for a weekend, spend some time exploring their life with God and find a quiet pause in the busyness of life. The retreat will begin on Friday night going into silence, through until Sunday lunch. Saturday will include sessions to guide your silence, along with some craft and practices to aid this special time away with God.

Facilitated by spiritual directors Sue Cunningham, Watiri Maina, Kaye Bustin and Lisette Cautley.

18-20 October
Bridge Valley Adventure Centre, Wakefield

Accommodation is shared 3-4 people per room, with ensuite.

The cost of the weekend is:
$250 pp - early bird (paid before 1 October)
Late payments $265 pp

If you’d like any more information please contact us on: asilentpauseoct2024@gmail.com.

We really look forward to sharing this special time of reset, refresh and renew in your relationship with God.
